entry fee 75.00 nonrefundable deposit of 25.00 to hold a spot is required ..
Bowlers can bowl both qualifying squads but can only use highest score for qualifying.
Qualifying squads are:
January 18th @ 1 pm
January 19th @ 10am
All bowlers bowl 5 games of qualifying and the top 16 bowlers move on to Match play immediately following the 10am squad Sunday squad.
With over 40 bowlers on Saturday we guarantee the top 4 on Saturday's squad a spot in Match play.
1st Place is Guaranteed $2000 based on 70 entries.
This isn't your every weekend +150 tournament!
Optional pot!! southgate lanes pro shop challenge $5 entry if you go +150 for 5 games you win the pot! The highest over +150 wins .If no one goes +150 it carries over till the next year.