2020 Manistee Open

Squad Times

Scratch bowling tournament
$100 entry fee
Walk ins and re-entries welcomed if spots available.

Saturday March 21st, 202
11:00 am at Striketown Manistee
$3500 1st place (based on 140 entries)
$2000 1st place guaranteed (minimum)

2 Game total pin match play will begin at 10:00am on Sunday March 22nd.

2 shifts with the first shift beginning at 11:00am.
Bowl 5 games of qualifying
Cut to the top 32 for single elimination match play if full.
We will cut to 24 if the tournament does not fill.
There will be a 2game desperado squad after the 2nd shift and we will take 2 people from the desperado squad into match play on Sunday.
You must bowl at least 1 of the main squads to be eligible for the desperado squad