Update: Event moved to Villa Lanes in Decatur, In due to covid restrictions in Fort Wayne
Entry Fee: $225. Details on payment down below.
This is a scratch event.
There will be 2 squads. 10am and 2pm
Teams will bowl 3 regular games and 6 baker games across 6 pairs. Top 4 from each squad will advance to the elimination round (based on 32 teams.) Less than 32 will be adjusted accordingly
Elimination round will have 4 teams on a pair for 2 baker games and the top 2 from each pair will advance to the Finals
Finals will be 2 baker games with total pinfall determining the winner
Field is open to all classification of bowlers, however, no more than 1 member per team can have a PBA or PWBA National Title.
Bowling balls not released to the general public will not be allowed.
Prize Ratio: 1 in 4 teams will cash.
Oil pattern will be sport compliant and will be announced 1 week prior to the event.
Brackets and Side Pots will be available.
1st place, based on 32 entries, will be $1800, with the last 4 cash spots paying $450 each
Tournament director will have final say in all disputes.
Entries can be paid by check and sent directly to me or PayPal simsno9@aol.com using the friends and family tab. Cash only the day of the event.