Burlington Open

Squad Times
Oil Pattern

Burlington Open at Towne and Country Lanes! This event will be 5 games qualifying before cutting to the top 4 for round robin match play. Each bowler will bowl each other once, with a position round, with 30 bonus pins being awarded for a win and 15 pins awarded for a tie. 1:4 pay ratio, so top 12 on a full field. Also $800 to 1st place based on a full field.

The event will be $80 entry, $68 going into the prize fund, $12 to linage, and $0 for expenses.

This tournament is limited to the first 45 entries so please let me know if you want a spot on the roster.

The lane pattern will be Kegel Sunset Strip (40ft, 24.7mls, and a 3.3:1 ratio).

Brackets and side pots will be available. Youth can bowl with winnings going SMART.

Check in will be 11am, practice to start at 11:45am, with 12pm beginning competition.

Contact Brandon Mooney with any questions!