Continental Clash Doubles Tournament of Champions

Squad Times

Entry Fee $56 per team

Saturday Check-in at 11:30 am - Sunday Check-in at Noon
Entry fee paid in full will reserve spot in next tournament.
Refundable up to 24 hours prior to the event. NO EXCEPTIONS.


Teams will consist of 2 men, 2 women or 1 man/1woman. Teams will bowl 3 games of qualifying, moving 1 pair to the right after each game. Top 5 scores will bowl a stepladder final.

Handicap will be 90% from 440 during the qualifying round. In the finals the handicap will be 100% of the difference in the 2 teams average.

Tournament payout 1:5 (full field - 15 places). Bowlers will use 2020-2021 highest average. If no 2020-2021 average, use 2019-2020 highest average. If a bowler has no average from the last two years, use the highest current average of 21 games. Ten Pin Rule is in effect. ​

Any falsification of averages will result in immediate disqualification. YOU MUST BRING DOCUMENTATION WITH YOU!

Tournament of Champions year end event - You must have bowled 4 tournaments OR have won 1 tournament to be eligible. $3 from each entry, each tournament, will go into the T of C prize fund.

Tournament Director reserves the right to re-rate a bowler.
Tournament Director will rule over ANY disputes.

Bowlers using an average from a sport league OR a modified house shot league WILL automatically be adjusted 10 pins.