Squad Times
Fremont Lanes Best Ball Tournament
First Place $700
Based on 32 teams
Sunday February 26th 2023 12:00
(check in at 11:00am)
Entry - $100 per team ($50 per person)
Open to first 32 paid teams
Format- 4 games of Qualifying, move one pair left after each game.
Cut to top 12
Top 4 get a bye
2 game match play until we have a winner.
425 ave. cap
HDCP is 35% of 425
Use highest USBC ave. from 2021-2022 season of at least 21 games
If no ave. use 230
Brackets available
50/50 availible
Bowling ball raffle
Top 12 cash based on 32 teams
Entrys can be submitted to Brent DeCheney or Fremont Lanes