Handicap Singles Championship #2

Squad Times

Sign in begins at 9:30 am, cut off at 10:40 am
Practice will begin at 10:50 am
Bowling begins at 11:00 am
$25 entry fee
$8 to lineage fee, $17 to prize fund
Payout top 4 bowlers
Men and women!
Handicap will be 80% of 210
35 pins max handicap per game
Use highest 2018 USBC sanctioned average
Must have an average to bowl
Random draw for lanes
Bowl 3 qualifying games across 6 lanes
Cut to top 16 bowlers
Top 16 will bowl bracket style single elimination games
#1 qualifier vs #16 qualifier, #2 vs #15, #3 vs #14 etc…
$815 1st place prize!
All payouts based on 80 bowlers, $405 2nd place, $70 3rd & 4th place prize
$2 16oz Budweiser and Bud Light aluminum bottles
1st annual champion - Austin Hellbing