MSBS Angola Bowl Ladies Classic

Squad Times
Oil Pattern

Entry Fee: $65

Squad A -- 11:00am
Check-In -- 10:00am - 10:50am

Qualifying: 4-games across 4 pairs of lanes.
Match Play: Cut to top 12 (based on 48 entries), then bowlers compete in a match play bracket with the top 4 getting a BYE in round 1 (with 48 entries). 1-game matches in each round until there is a champion. The bracket will be re-seeded after round 1 if we fill this at 48 entries.
Prize Ratio: A minimum of 1 in 4 entries will cash in this event

If we fill the first 40 spots fairly quickly, then we will save the last 8 spots for a rabbit squad to be run Friday evening. Details will follow if this is necessary. This event is capped at 48 entries. Anybody paying through PayPal must either pay to friends/family to avoid the fee or pay the fee. Same goes for any credit card transactions.

Brian Regan
cell (810) 240-6175