Squad Times
Check in: 11:00 am
Start Time: 12:00 noon
$2,000 First Place (based on 60 entries)
1 in 4 payoff based on entries
Cost $160.00 per entry
One bowler must be 50 years of age or older.
This is a scratch tournament open to the first 75 paid entries (THE 2020 EVENT SOLD OUT SO ENTER EARLY TO GUARANTEE YOUR SPOT!!)
Format: consists of 5 games of qualifying across 10 lanes
Top 16 will advance to single elimination match play finals (Seeded by qualifying score)
If you prepay by December 17th, 2021 entry will include a High Game Jackpot worth $50.00 per game for each game of qualifying.
Optional jackpots and brackets will be offered
Contact Joni Riffle or Samantha Fabien @ 734-422-7420 with any questions or stop by to reserve your spot!