HUGE two event hosted by Plaza Bowl of Clinton and Co-Sponsored by Giffs Pro Shop!!
Scratch Tourmament
$150 Entry Fee
$2500 for 1st place based on a full, 120 person field
Last cash will be double your entry!
Bowling Ball Raffles BOTH SQUADS thanks to Giffs Pro Shop!!!
Saturday: A Squad- 9AM (8:15 check in) B-Squad- 2PM (1:15 check in)
- 7 game qualifying blocks with 60 bowlers per squad (120 total)
- After 7 games, cut to the top 1:4 for cashers round on Sunday (30 bowlers with a full field)
- Highest non cashing woman and senior will also receive a check!
- Brackets, High Game, Bet You Win will be available!!
Sunday: 10AM Cashers Round (9:15 check in)
- Bowl 6 games with pins carrying over from Saturday (no bonus pins)
- after a total of 13 games we will cut to the top 10 bowlers for a modified stepladder!!
OIL PATTERN TBD and will be released prior to the event! WILL be on a sport certified pattern!
60 bowlers per squad! and ONLY paying your entry will guarantee your spot! We will start taking payments on August 1st
Contact Tyler Tornow or Brandon Mooney to get signed up!
LETS FILL THIS THING!! Should be an amazing event!!!!