Continental Clash Doubles
Entry Fee $56 per team
Saturday Check-in at 11:30 am - Sunday Check-in at Noon
Entry fee paid in full will reserve spot in next tournament.
Refundable up to 24 hours prior to the event. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Teams will consist of 2 men, 2 women or 1 man/1woman. Teams will bowl 3 games of qualifying, moving 1 pair to the right after each game. Top 5 scores will bowl a stepladder final.
Handicap will be 90% from 440 during the qualifying round. In the finals the handicap will be 100% of the difference in the 2 teams average.
Tournament payout 1:5 (full field - 15 places). Bowlers will use 2020-2021 highest average. If no 2020-2021 average, use 2019-2020 highest average. If a bowler has no average from the last two years, use the highest current average of 21 games. Ten Pin Rule is in effect.
Any falsification of averages will result in immediate disqualification. YOU MUST BRING DOCUMENTATION WITH YOU!
Tournament of Champions year end event - You must have bowled 4 tournaments OR have won 1 tournament to be eligible. $3 from each entry, each tournament, will go into the T of C prize fund.
Tournament Director reserves the right to re-rate a bowler.
Tournament Director will rule over ANY disputes.
Bowlers using an average from a sport league OR a modified house shot league WILL automatically be adjusted 10 pins.