MSBS Flat Rock Sweeper

Squad Times

Entry Fee: $50

Squad A -- 7pm
Check-In -- 6:00pm - 6:55pm

Qualifying: 4-games across 4 pairs of lanes.
Match Play: Cut to top 15 (based on 60 entries), then bowlers are seeded into a bracket. Single-game elimination matches for those who qualify.
Prize Ratio:  A minimum of 1 in 4 entries will cash in this event.

Brian Regan
cell (810) 240-6175

New Years Day Scratch Classic

Squad Times

Entry Fee: $60 ($10 lineage $50 prize fund)

Format: 5 games across 10 lanes with total pins determining the winner.

Ratio: 1 in 5 will cash

Prize Fund(based on 40 entries):
1st: $600
2nd: $400
3rd: $250
4th: $200
5th: $160
6th: $140
7th: $130
8th: $120

Oil Pattern: Modified House Shot

Open to all classification of bowlers. Youth are eligible, with all money deposited into a SMART account.

Optional brackets and side pots will be available.

Over & Under Doubles

Squad Times

Check in: 11:00 am
Start Time: 12:00 noon

$2,000 First Place (based on 60 entries)
1 in 4 payoff based on entries
Cost $160.00 per entry
One bowler must be 50 years of age or older.

This is a scratch tournament open to the first 75 paid entries (THE 2020 EVENT SOLD OUT SO ENTER EARLY TO GUARANTEE YOUR SPOT!!)

Format: consists of 5 games of qualifying across 10 lanes

Top 16 will advance to single elimination match play finals (Seeded by qualifying score)

If you prepay by December 17th, 2021 entry will include a High Game Jackpot worth $50.00 per game for each game of qualifying.

Optional jackpots and brackets will be offered

Contact Joni Riffle or Samantha Fabien @ 734-422-7420 with any questions or stop by to reserve your spot!

Christmas Eve Shootout

Squad Times

It's that time! Sign-up today for the Christmas Eve Shootout on Saturday December 24th, 2021 at Noon. Entry fee is $35. A $5 game pot will also be available the day of. This is a scratch tournament and you will draw for your lanes assignment the day of. Bowl 3 games of qualifying and then cut to the top 16 for single game elimination match play until a champion is crowned. Field is limited to 120 bowlers so if you want a spot message Gary Sula at 815-341-0186 to reserve. Full flyer is on the discussion tab.