Cadillac XBC
650 La Porte Rd
Waterloo, IA 50702
United States
Ebonite Fall Classic
$5,000 Guaranteed Added Prize Money.
Three qualifying squads on Saturday (8:30AM, 1:45PM, & 7:00PM - notice the time changes). 7 games of qualifying, limited to a field of 180. Payout 1:3 (Seniors and women are guaranteed a 1:3 cashing ratio). $160 entry fee, optional brackets and side pots available.
Top 60 entries (based on 180 entries) advance to bowl the second round of 6 games Sunday at 9:00AM. All pins carry over
Finals- Top 10 modified stepladder (1-4 seeded) 5-10 bowl for the final spot in the stepladder.
To reserve your spot: contact Joe Engelkes (GIBA Tournament Administrator) with name, squad preference, and crossing bowler requests. Only paid spots are guaranteed - paypal or check accepted. Joe's contact:, 319-269-6909.
Tournament Sponsors: Ebonite, USA Mortgage - Iowa, Budweiser/Bud Light, Logo Infusion Inc, Waterloo Convention and Visitors Bureau.
The Cherry Bowl
7171 Cherryvale N Blvd
Rockford, IL 61112
United States
Scratch Variety Tournament Series - 8 Game Bonus Pin Marathon
Due to restrictions in Illinois, this event is being moved to Leisure Lanes in Monroe, WI.
Cherry Bowl Scratch Variety Tournament Series - 8 Game Bonus Pin Marathon! This event is a singles event inspired by the cashers round of the GIBA 11th Frame Open.
Every bowler will bowl 8 games, and each bowler will receive bonus pins based on their score. Here’s how it will work: say there are 50 bowlers bowling. If you are the highest game for the game, you will receive 50 bonus pins on top of your score. If you are 2nd highest game for the game, you will receive 49 bonus pins on top of your score. This will go all the way down to the lowest score for the game, who will receive 1 bonus pin for the game. The bonus pins will happen every game, and total pins, plus bonus pins, will determine the winner after 8 games.
Entry for this event will be $80.
This is a singles event, so youth can participate with a rule 400 form.
Thunderbird Lounge Open $2500 for 1st!
HUGE two event hosted by Plaza Bowl of Clinton and Co-Sponsored by Giffs Pro Shop!!
Scratch Tourmament
$150 Entry Fee
$2500 for 1st place based on a full, 120 person field
Last cash will be double your entry!
Bowling Ball Raffles BOTH SQUADS thanks to Giffs Pro Shop!!!
Saturday: A Squad- 9AM (8:15 check in) B-Squad- 2PM (1:15 check in)
- 7 game qualifying blocks with 60 bowlers per squad (120 total)
- After 7 games, cut to the top 1:4 for cashers round on Sunday (30 bowlers with a full field)
- Highest non cashing woman and senior will also receive a check!
- Brackets, High Game, Bet You Win will be available!!
Sunday: 10AM Cashers Round (9:15 check in)
- Bowl 6 games with pins carrying over from Saturday (no bonus pins)
- after a total of 13 games we will cut to the top 10 bowlers for a modified stepladder!!
OIL PATTERN TBD and will be released prior to the event! WILL be on a sport certified pattern!
60 bowlers per squad! and ONLY paying your entry will guarantee your spot! We will start taking payments on August 1st
Contact Tyler Tornow or Brandon Mooney to get signed up!
LETS FILL THIS THING!! Should be an amazing event!!!!
March Madness (In September) Tournament
March Madness Bracket Tournament Returns for the second year!!!
$50 Entry
- Bowl Three Games of qualifying to seed the bracket
---USBC Sanctioned Event -- Youth are Welcome!
MSBS Sprummer Championship
Entry Fee: $60
You simply need to pay the $10 annual membership plus bowl in any MSBS event ever in order to quailfy. You can pay the membership at the event if you haven't paid it in 2020 yet. Added money comes directly from memberships. We will also allow people to prepay for the Sep. 13 Midwest Major and use that entry to be eligible for this event!
Squad A (limited to 90 entries) -- Saturday 10:00am. Check-in 9:00am - 9:50am
Squad B (limited to 90 entries) -- Saturday 2:00pm. Check-in 1:00pm - 1:50pm
FORMAT (based on 180 entries, 90 in each squad)
Qualifying: 5-games across 5 pairs of lanes.
Eliminator Rounds: The top 1/4 of each squad will come back after B squad to bowl a 2-game eliminator round, cutting the field in half. Then 1-game eliminator rounds will continue and cutting the field in half after each round unti we get to the top 4. Pins carry over until the top 4, and then they start fresh. Top 4 will bowl a 3-game round robin with bonus pins to determine the champion. There will be a wild card advancing in each of the first two rounds of elimnator. Wild card is the highest score of that round who did not advance.
With 3 or more seniors, the highest non-cashing senior will cash in this event.
With 3 or more ladies, the highest non-cashing lady will cash in this event.
Prize Ratio: A minimum of 1 in 3 entries will cash in this event
Brian Regan
cell (810) 240-6175